Alarm Engine Support Forum Z-wave window blinds

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  • #8101
    Terry Phillips

      Has anyone incorporated z-wave window blinds to the Elk-27 yet?  I’ve been looking online at products that have the z-wave technology and came across: SmartWings Motorized Zebra Shades 90% Blackout 95mm Astrid (
      This particular home will have eight windows opening and closing at the same time. I’m assuming these shades will have to be setup as an output. and a Task built for them, The concern I have is if they pick the Zebra type and want to just open them for daylight this could be a challenge. (Just curious has anyone done this yet and are they any advice!)

      Thanks in advance!!
      Also not promoting the above shades!! Just some I’ve found with z-wave technology

      Michael Burrell


        When we were exploring the different Z-Wave device options, we had window blinds on the list as an option for its specific page and classification in the system. But we did not see that this was something that being supported well by manufacturers of Zwave devices, so we decided to not expand on it. I am interested in hearing more feedback. We can look at expanding the capibilites of the system around Zwave Window Coverings, if this is a viable need.

        Again, early research appeared that it was not being supported well, but it is possible that has changed. I will take a look at the link you provided.



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