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  • #8654
    Robert Little

      I have installed duct detectors in my HVAC units.  I have installed an ELK6022 to handle the notification.  It is set up as NO using the 2 AUX.  What is the correct way to set these up to act like normal smoke  detector?  How do I set up the 2 AUX in RP2 and what rule do I set up?  The wireless set up is Option 2 for NO and I set of the primary sensor to non-alarm since it is not going to need to report anything.  The loops are set up as 1(AUX) 2(Primary) and 3(AUX).


      Brad Weeks

        You’re using the hardwired input of the 6022 to connect to the Normally Open output of the duct detector? Which hardwired input are you using LP1 or LP3? This will determine the LOOP number you will need to assign under the Wireless Setup for the Zone.  When the duct detector goes into alarm how do you want the M1 to respond?

        DEF = xx

        Type = 0 EOL/RF

        Under Wireless Setup Enabled checked

        Supervision 1=Normal Supervision

        OPT2 check if the hardwired contact is Normally Open

        Enter the TxID of the 6022 in the TxID field

        LOOP will either be 1 or 3 depending on which hardwired input you connected the output of the duct detector

        Robert Little

          thanks, Brad!

          Detector 1 is on LP1 and set to loop 1

          Detector 2 is on LP3 and set to loop 3

          LP1 and 3 are currently set to 24 hour alarm and I wrote a rules to  notify me via the interior siren/speaker (for testing) and both are working.  I would like either to go into “Fire Alarm” if the are violated, similar to wireless smokes.  They do not need to be interconnected to the smokes.

          Robert Little

            Brad Weeks…any thoughts on this?  Thanks!

            Brad Weeks

              No they do not need to be “interconnected” smoke detectors — A DEF = 10 will cause the M1 to go into Fire Alarm if either “duct detector” activates

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